Private Mandate Quant – Alternatif Private Mandate DDNK

Saya menerima beberapa pelabur yang mencari alternatif kepada Private Mandate DDNK yang bersifat “Global” dengan alasan seperti berikut:
1. “Saya sudah mempunyai private mandate DDNK tetapi mahu kembangkan lagi portfolio kepada private mandate yang lain”
2. “Saya tidak gemar kepada private mandate yang fokus kepada specific bursa tertentu sepertu private mandate DDNK iatu fokus kepada NASDAQ”. Dan mereka ini mencari yang lebih diversify globally.
Jadi dengan itu, alternatif nya adalah private mandate shariah dari Quant – Global dan Asia Pacific

Di bawah ni saya sediakan graf private mandate secara ringkas nya supaya nampak lebih jelas.
Graf di bawah adalah pada pendangan dan skop pengetahuan pelaburan saya sahaja dan khas untuk membantu client saya memahami jenis private mandate ini.

PM Quant ini, sama seperti private mandate global yang lain, ia adalah satu pelaburan berisiko tinggi jadi pelabur digalakkan untuk melabur pada kuantiti dan tahap yang bersesuaian dengan penerimaan risiko masing-masing. Sila lihat post saya sebelum ni bagaimana untuk mahu mendapatkan risk assessment.

Private Mandate Quant ni, sesuai dengan nama nya iatu Quant, semua keputusan pelaburan adalah berdasarkan kepada model matematik yang terkehadapan dan melibatkan analisa kuantitatif.
Ia 100% automation dan Kekuatan pelaburan quant ini adalah kerana ia dapat mengurang kan risiko dan kerugian yang disebabkan oleh kesilapan manusia dan terutama nya emosi manusia.
Walaubagaimana pun terdapat juga human intervention pada masa dan waktu-waktu terterntu dalam nak memastikan ia berfungsi dengan lebih berkesan.

Ini bermakna Quant ni jika nak dibandingkan dengan cara tradisional, ia adalah tidak sama. Ia bersifat pasif.

Di bawah ini adalah maklumat terperinci mengenai private mandate Quant ini berdasarkan pada fact sheet March 2021. Saya tulis dalam bahasa inggeris supaya tidak lari maksudnya.

Inception Date
Sept 2019
Fee Charges & Expenses
Minimum Investment: RM100k (Subsequent investment amount RM10k)
Service Fee: 3% for every capital injection
Annual Wrap Fee: First RM50k 1.50%
                                 RM50,001 to RM500k 1.25%
                                 RM500,001 to RM5m 1.00%
                                 Above RM5m 0.75%
Custodian Name:
Phillip Securities Pte Ltd
Portfolio Performance:

Private Mandate Global   1Y 37.35%   |   YTD 15.91%   |   Since Inception 34.20%
Country Allocation (Top 5)
1. United States 26.2%
2. Australia 14.4%
3. Cash 14.3%
4. Indonesia 10.9%
5. France 9.0%
Top 5 Holdings As at 28th February 2021
1. Resolute Forest Products Inc  6.30%
2. RPC Inc  6.00%
3. CanWel Building Materials Group Ltd  5.80%
4. Kerdemir Karabuk Demir Celik Sanayi ve Ticaret AS  5.80%
5. Erajaya Swasembada Tbk PT  5.50%

Di bawah ini adalah satu sample dari pelaburan sebenar seorang individu bagi Private Mandate Quant Global.
Jika diperhatikan, Net Return lebih kurang setahun adalah 40.3%.

Manager’s Comment
* This concentrated equity portfolio consist of 16 stocks from 12 industries across 9 countries. The top 3 country exposure amounted to 60% and is weighted in Indonesia, Australia and the United States of America. The top 3 industry exposure amounted to 32.72% and is weighted in Metals & mining, specialty retail and paper & forest products.
* The portfolio is up in February 2021 and outperformed the benchmark. Each equity position was invested at equal weight. The factor weightings were +69% in earnings momentum and +31% in valuation. The top performing stock for February 2021 was Derichebourgh SA of France with a one month of 18%

Inception Date
Oct 2019
Fee Charges & Expenses
Minimum Investment: RM100k (Subsequent investment amount RM10k)
Service Fee: 3% for every capital injection
Annual Wrap Fee: First RM50k 1.50%
                                 RM50,001 to RM500k 1.25%
                                 RM500,001 to RM5m 1.00%
                                 Above RM5m 0.75%
Custodian Name:
Phillip Securities Pte Ltd
Portfolio Performance:

Private Mandate Asia Pacific   1Y 27.16%   |   YTD -1.49%   |   Since Inception 27.84%
Country Allocation (Top 5)
1. Australia 37.9%
2. Malaysia 14.9%
3. Hong Kong 12.1%
4. Cash 12.0%
5. Indonesia 11.2%
Top 5 Holdings As at 28th February 2021
1. Top Glove Corporation Bhd  6.10%
2. PP London Sumatra Indonesia  6.00%
3. Hartalega Holdings Berhad  6.00%
4. First Resources LImited  5.80%
5. Super Retail Group Limited  5.50%

Bawah ni adalah satu sample pelaburan sebenar seorang individu.
Cuba perhatikan senarai syarikat yang dilaburkan.
Net Return dalam sample ini adalah 27.3% untuk setahun lebih.

Manager’s Comment
* The equity portfolio consists of 23 stocks from 20 industries across 5 countries. The top 3 country exposure amounted to 80% and is weighted in Hong Kong, Australia and Malaysia. The top 3 industry exposure amounted to 50% and is weighted in Electronics equipment, Specialty Retail and Metals & Minings.
* The portfolio is down on February 2021, in line with the index. Each equity position was invested at equal weight. The factor weightings were +69% in earnings momentum and +31% in valuation. The top performing stock for February 2021 was BHP Group Ltd with a one month gain of 14.90%.

* Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. All investment carry risk, and all investment decisions of an individual remain the responsibility of that individual. There is no guarantee that this Private Mandate Fund will result in profits or that they will not result in losses. All investors are advised to fully understand all risks associated with any kind of investing they choose to do.
* The above data just for the purpose of my client understanding and based on my current knowledge. Future investors are encouraged to consult with me directly to avoid potential misunderstanding.

Data yang disediakan berubah-ubah dari masa ke semasa dan jika anda yang berminat dengan serius untuk membuat pelaburan sahaja, digalakkan untuk menghubungi saya.

Azmarnizam Omar FPR FAR
Licensed Financial Planner
013 3330595

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